Stonelapsis (n.) – The desire to return to a more technologically limited way of life or time in the past.
Example Sentence(s)
When 29-year-old Leo Wanemacher visited his momma, Agraithea, for the weekend, he stayed in the bedroom he grew up in. Much of his decor still remained from his adolescence and he even read the inscriptions he wrote on his closet wall as a happy 7-year-old kid. “I luv my momma” they read beside the color-penciled drawings of him and his momma. He shortly thereafter went to bed with tremendous stonelapsis-like feelings.
Etymology & Word Origins
The stone in stonelapsis represents older time periods such as the Stone Age and thus acts as a metaphor for the past.
Lap relates to “relapse” as in to return to a former state.
The suffix “-is” means “state or condition of.”
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