Want to know how to shift to your DR once and for all?

As an experienced shifter, I know how frustrating it can get when you’re trying to shift, and you find that you’re still in your CR.How to shift your reality fast & easily (Ultimate Guide)

I have also seen just how much misinformation and limiting beliefs pollute various shifting communities.

This is why I’ve created this shifting tutorial that will show you how to shift realities for real.

If you’re a beginner, new to shifting, or struggling to shift, I’ve got you covered with everything you need to be successful.

You will learn about:

  • A brief history of shifting
  • What to do before shifting
  • How to shift
  • Expert tips
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Clearing up common misconceptions


Let’s keep reading so you’ll have everything you need to know how to shift:

Reality Shifting Explained: A brief introduction

In the Pre-modern era, reality shifting as a concept first originated from the mystic teachings of people like Neville Goddard and later in communities such as Dimensional Jumping on Reddit.

It is rooted in the Many Worlds Theory which suggests that an infinite number of realities are possible, with some being vastly different and others being near-identical copies.

So let me show how this applies to you and your reality with a few examples out of infinity:

This theory would suggest first that there’s your current reality, a reality where everything is the same except you have an extra hair on your head, another reality where you started an online business an hour ago, and even one where you’re a first-year at Hogwarts!

You get the idea, right? It’s so surreal and mind-blowing!

Now in the modern Gen Z era, reality shifting or simply “shifting” first started to grow on Social Media sites like TikTok, Amino Apps, Reddit, and Wattpad while people were stuck at home in 2020. Shifting has only continued to grow in popularity since then.

In case you’re not sure what shifting is, let me explain.

What is shifting?

In general, I have found the most accurate and all-compassing shifting definition to be the following:

Shifting is the act of moving your consciousness from one reality experience to another for a planned period of time.

Having said that, when you see the term thrown around on apps like TikTok, Amino, Wattpad, etc., shifting is short for reality shifting and refers to the act of moving one’s self from their current reality (CR) to their desired reality (DR).

Alright, now that I’ve explained what shifting is, let’s get prepared to shift.

How to prepare to shift (for beginners & strugglers)

Before you start shifting realities, I’m going to explain what you need to do so that you have the best chance of success.

Know why you want to shift

Understanding why you want to shift is important for staying focused and motivated with your shifting journey. We all have our unique reasons, and it’s ok to keep it personal.

Maybe you want to experience things you can’t in your current reality (CR), or you simply just want to spend time with your comfort character.

A journal can be useful for writing down what inspires you about shifting as well as any notes or tips that you find helpful. Perhaps, some of those tips will be in this post for you to write down (hint, hint)!

Choose your Desired Reality (DR)

If you’re going to shift, you need to know where you’re going! Your DR can be based on a fictional universe like Stranger Things, Hogwarts, or simply a better version of your CR.

To plan your DR and ensure that shifting is safe, fun, and reliable, you will need a shifting script for your DR, especially if you are a beginner or have been struggling to shift.

I’ve created a shifting guide along with templates if you need help with making one.

Have the right mindset: intention & assumption

The most important factor for whether or not you will shift is having intention. Yes, even more than belief.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t even need to believe that shifting is real to shift. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have stories of anti-shifters and doubters who have successfully shifted.

You also want to assume that you will shift. When I say assume, liken it to the confidence you have when you open a door. You know or assume that door will open.

Select your primary shifting location (PSL)

Your Primary Shifting Location is where you will reliably be shifting from most or all of the time.

Having one reliable place to shift is better than multiple places, especially for beginners, because it promotes simplicity and repetition, two cornerstones for reliable shifting.

I highly recommend choosing a PSL that fits the following requirements as closely as possible:

  • Quiet
  • Comfortable area to sit or lay
  • Private
  • Free of disturbance
  • Safe
  • Reliable access

You don’t have to overthink this. Many shifters simply choose their bedroom.

Get in the mood to shift

Here are some things to do to shift your mood.

  • You can meditate or simply clear your mind and ground yourself. Using this free app called Headspace helps make meditation easier.
  • Review different media such as books, shows, Pinterest, or your moodboard.
  • Check out any aesthetics that correspond to people, places, and things in your DR.
  • Read or listen to shifting success stories on places like Reddit or TikTok.
  • Listen to a song or playlist related to your DR.

Take care of your needs

This is an important yet sometimes overlooked step.

Do things like making sure you have had plenty of water and a light meal or snack if you need it.

I also recommend making sure any distractions and smaller responsibilities are taken care of. We want to be as peaceful and distraction-free as possible for optimal shifting.

Decide what kind of shift you want to do

Knowing what kind of shift you want to do and for how long will help you choose the right kind of shift script, affirmations, and method.

Types of reality shifting

Temporary shift: This means to shift to your DR for a finite amount of time with the intention of returning to your CR eventually.

Gradual shift: A combination of mini-shifts and larger shifts from your CR that over time gets you to your DR.

Permashift: The act of moving to a new reality while retaining memories of your old reality and the knowledge of having shifted.

Respawn: Permashifting without retaining memories of your old reality or the knowledge that you shifted.

Minishift: When you move to a reality that is nearly identical to your current or old reality.

Microshift: This is when a shifter goes to their DR for a brief amount of time such as seconds, minutes, or a few hours before returning back to their DR.

Group shift: When two or more people decide to shift to the same DR together.

Optional tools to have before your shift:

  • Shifting affirmations
  • Subliminals
  • Crystals
  • Sleeping mask
  • Meditation app


How to shift your reality in 3 simple steps

Ok, now we’re at the fun and exciting part.

First, I want to start out by saying that shifting is a simple skill.

But like any skill, it takes practice and persistence to master.

Also, understand that we all start at different skill levels. Some people have latent talent that helps them shift fast (similar to how some people can have talent at a sport). Others have been developing the underlying sub-skills like manifestation, having a clear mind, focus, etc. long before they knew about shifting.

Don’t let any of this discourage you, because anyone can shift. And, I mean anyone. All you need is the will, intention, and right guide to get you going.

So about that guide part, let’s get into the steps for how to shift realities.

Create a shifting script

Now that you are prepared to shift, it’s time to create a script.

So what exactly is a shifting script?

A script is a document that contains essential details for your DR and the goals for your DR experience.

You may have wondered if it is necessary to have a script.

Yes, it’s true. You don’t technically need a script to shift. But not having a shift script is like driving to a random state or country you’ve never been to without having any directions.

Having a script is like having directions or a road map that ensures your shifting journey will be safe, reliable, and you’ll know where you’re going! As an added bonus, reviewing your script also helps program your subconscious mind for more effective shifting.

Therefore, having a script is a must, especially if you’re a beginner or struggling to shift.

Where to script

You can use a piece of paper, notebook, phone app like Notion, or a customizable template which you can grab here.

What to put on your script

The details you put on your script can be customized to your heart’s content. Your script at a minimum should include these details:

  • Your basic details such as name, age, gender, personality, physical attributes, aesthetic(s), skills, etc.
  • DR location, era, and attributes.
  • Your relationships such as family, friends, classmates, lovers, rivals, etc.
  • How long you want to stay in your DR. Ex: 1 minute in my CR = 1 day in my DR.
  • A safe word or phrase that will return you to your CR.

Of course, you can include more or less info on your script. It’s up to you how short or long you want to make it. This is your DR after all!

For detailed info on scripting as well scripting templates, I created a guide on how to make a shift script from scratch. Click here to view it.

Choose a shifting method

With your script finished, it’s time to go to your Primary Shifting Location (PSL) if you’re not there already and pick a shifting method.

A shifting method is a technique that will help you shift and help turn shifting into a reliable skill for you.

Here are some of the most popular shifting methods:

  • Alice in Wonderland Method
  • Raven Method
  • Pillow Method
  • Train Method
  • Sunni Method
  • ADHD Method
  • Tea Party Method
  • Elevator Method
  • Falling Method
  • Staircase Method
  • Heartbeat method
  • Piano method

These are just some of the different methods out there. I created a post that shows you how to use each of these methods and more. Click here to read it.

Most of these methods will require you to use meditation, visualization, and lay in a sleeping position such as the starfish position. Some require earphones or headphones for subliminals and music. It’s also perfectly fine if you want to combine methods!

To begin, let’s go with the Raven method since it’s one of the most popular methods, simple, and has helped people shift.

Here’s how you do the Raven Method:

  • Lay on your bed in a starfish position or similar. Feel free to modify it so that you are comfortable and can keep as still as possible.
  • Close your eyes and begin meditating, clearing your mind in the process.
  • In your mind, slowly count from 1 to 100. In-between each number, repeat one of your shifting affirmations. My favorite one to say is “I am now shifting to my Desired Reality.”
  • After you get to 100, start visualizing your DR, making it feel real and giving it as much sensory vividness as possible. You can also say more affirmations.
  • Fall asleep.

That’s it!

Again, if you’d like to check out other methods and learn more about them, check them out in this post I wrote here.

Now for the final step.

Enter your DR

This is the part you have been waiting to experience.

Since most methods involve sleeping or meditation, entering your DR takes place one of two ways:

One, after you fall asleep and wake up. Or two, when the moment feels right and you open your eyes when the moment is right.

Before making your shift, you might experience shifting symptoms that let you know you’re close such as:

  • Vibrations
  • Tingles
  • Seeing loving white light(s)
  • Feeling excited
  • Floatiness
  • Hearing sounds from your DR
  • Smelling scents from your DR

These are just some possible symptoms that have been reported. Don’t worry if you don’t experience any of these or only a few. In my personal experience, I either experience only vibrations or none at all.

If you do experience these symptoms, make sure to maintain focus on your method and your DR.

Ideally, you will finally have shifted after following the prerequisites and previous steps outlined prior.

If so, I’m happy for you! Go enjoy your new reality!

If not, don’t worry. Keep on reading.

Final Thoughts & tips to ensure success

Stay persistent and don’t give up!

If you haven’t shifted yet, it doesn’t mean that it’s not working or that you won’t shift eventually.

I mentioned earlier that shifting is a skill, and like any other skill, you probably won’t get it right on your first try. With a strong intention to shift along with enough practice and persistence, you will shift!

You can also look at success stories to keep you motivated and inspired.

Become your DR self now

One of the most powerful tips I can give when it comes to your CR life is to become your DR self right now in your CR.

How to do this?

Begin by imagining how you would feel if you were already the version of yourself living in your DR right now. Capture that exact feeling or frequency and stay aligned with it as you live your current life.

For extra clarification, I’m not saying to pretend or LARP as the DR version of you. It’s more of a change in mindset that leads you to become your DR self overtime and make it easier to shift.

As an example, let’s say your DR self is rich. You wouldn’t just go around spending all the money you have because you’re now all the sudden rich. Instead, your mindset or approach to money would change internally, and you would thus take different actions such as educating yourself on finance.

Keep reviewing your script or modifying it.

This is important in two main ways.

Doing this helps your subconscious mind lock-in the details of your DR for when you do shift eventually.

It also allows you to revisit and clarify any details to make your DR more satisfying. 

Take care of your current reality

While you are in your current reality, it is important to take of your responsibilities, as well as your mental and physical health, as best as you can.

All this being said, I hope you now know how to shift!

Has this guide helped you? If so, let me know in the comments below the FAQ.

If you’re willing, I’d also greatly appreciate a donation that helps keep this site going and providing amazing content for you.

Happy shifting!

Gregory Venvonis

Frequently asked questions

This section will answer the most frequently asked questions by new and struggling shifters, as well as clearing up any common misconceptions.

Is shifting real?

Based on my personal experience and the credible testimonies of others, yes it is very real. This can be hard to accept at first given how most of us grew up and were taught to believe. And, I would’ve been skeptical if I hadn’t shifted before.

Are lucid dreaming and shifting the same thing?

No. This is a common rebuttal that skeptics give and a misconception.

What does shifting feel like?

The process is similar to falling asleep and waking up. Sometimes, people experience minor symptoms such as vibrations, seeing bright light, feeling floaty, etc. before making the shift.

When you are in your DR, it feels just as real as your CR does right now.

Is this all just one big troll or inside joke?

The simple answer is no. I know how unbelievable this all sounds, especially given the belief systems most of us were brought up in, but based on my personal experiences and the experiences of others, I assure you it’s real.

What’s the difference between a desired reality and a different reality?

A desired reality is a reality that a shifter prefers to go for a reason(s). A different reality is simply any reality that isn’t your current reality.

Even though they both can be shortened to the “DR” acronym when most people say DR, they are referring to their Desired Reality.

Why can some people shift on their first try while others have been trying to shift for months or years without success?

Good question. There are two main reasons some people shift faster than others. One is because they have had either a latent shifting talent. Two, they had fostered sub-skills like manifestation, focus, mind-clearing, etc. before they knew shifting was a thing.

Either way, practice is still needed and everyone has a different pace to not only shift but shift reliably.

How long can you stay in a shifted reality?

The amount of time you stay in your DR is up to you and can be specified in your shift script.

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