11 Powerful affirmations for blogging success that work fast


If you are tired of being a struggling blogger, you have to start using affirmations for blogging success.

My name is Greg Venvonis, and affirmations have transformed my blogging (and writing) career.

Last year, I started the Luster Lexicon blog and it was netting me a full-time income within 3 months. I did this without any blogging experience and as a total newbie to online business btw.  It now makes me much more than a full-time income (and the income stable).

This is not meant as a brag, but an illustration that affirmations work when used properly. They played a big part in my success.

I decided to create this post because I love seeing other people succeed, especially fellow writers and creatives!


Why affirmations are so effective

I’ve narrowed down the five main reasons why affirmations work, especially when used correctly and they are tailor-made.

  • They support a new belief about yourself and your reality.
  • Replace negative thoughts and feelings with new and better ones.
  • Change any negative or restrictive inner dialogue and reprogram your subconscious mind in a positive way.
  • Provides fuel for the inspired action needed to have success.
  • Utilizes the science-backed power of thoughts to accomplish your goals.

It’s really that simple.


Important aspects that are foundational for blogging success

Before we dive into the affirmations, I want to briefly highlight the traits of a successful blogger.

These traits are at the root of the powerful blogger affirmations that you’ll be using in the next section.

  • Positive mindset towards your blogging content and career.
  • Marketing & Traffic optimization.
  • Providing tremendous value to your readers.
  • Expertise in your blogging niche.
  • Having multiple streams of income that are stable.
  • Recognition in your niche.


How to use Blogging affirmations effectively and optimally

Affirmations can be thought, spoken, written, or even typed. In my experience, they are most effective when you do all four.

If you’ve never used affirmations before, start by saying them out loud. This is the easiest way to use affirmations so you’ll be more likely to get in the habit initially.

When is the best time to use affirmations?

Preferably you want to do them first thing in the morning, and right before you go to sleep.

For your morning affirmations, select a location that is comfortable for you. Ideally, you want this location to be quiet and secluded. Affirmations can be done anywhere, anytime. But, for best results, you want to do them in the same place each time. This way your affirmations will become a daily habit.

Example locations to ideally practice your affirmations:

  • A quiet room in your home.
  • Inside your car.
  • In bed right before going to sleep.
  • During a solo nature walk or hike.

Once you have chosen your location, it’s time to go to that location and get comfortable!

Clear your mind until it feels devoid of all other thoughts and balanced. This can be done by breathing deeply and gently releasing any unrelated thoughts and feelings that may emerge.

You are now ready to utilize the following blogging affirmations!


The 11 Powerful Affirmations for Your Blogging Success

These powerful affirmations can work fast and are incredibly powerful. Make sure you are truly ready for a beautiful and successful blogging career (or side hustle)!

If you are, begin by doing a quick read-through of the following affirmations.

  1. I am a profitable and successful blogger.
  2. Everything I need to succeed at blogging is available to me when I need it.
  3. I overcome any blogging challenges that may come my way.       
  4. I am a well-known expert in my blogging niche.
  5. I’m confident in my expertise and blogging skills.
  6. My blogging content changes people’s lives for the better.
  7. Blogging is fun, easy, and fulfilling for me.
  8. My blog’s high-quality traffic is greatly increasing.
  9. Plenty of interested readers engage with my blogging content.
  10. I make a comfortable living from my blogging income alone.
  11. The multiple streams of income that I receive from blogging are stable and consistent.

Next, say each one-by-one, taking several seconds between each one to internalize their meaning. Repeat this process for a minimum of three times until you feel satisfied.

As you say each affirmation, feel that they are true, just like any other statement of total fact. If you want to make these affirmations even more powerful, visualize not only how you would feel if they’re true, but what you’d be doing.

After you have finished your affirmations, conclude with “it is done.” You not only want to say this phrase, but you want to simultaneously feel that these affirmations are true for you right now.

Keep doing these affirmations twice each day until you have achieved your desired financial outcome(s). After 45 days, you can start saying the affirmations in your mind, or writing them down.

Remember, inspired action proceeded by powerful affirmations that shift your thoughts and feelings are the backbone of blogging success.  If you have any questions or experiences, leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

I wish you all the success and profitable blogging you desire.

-Greg Venvonis


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