Meaning & Definition
Deamflum (n.) – The dreamy and calm-like state experienced while listening to a natural waterfall.
Example Sentence(s)
During our nature walk, we saw the most beautiful and silky waterfall. I almost immediately fell into deamflum. It was surreal.
Etymology & Word Origins
The “deam” in deamflum is based on the word “dream.” Flum is based on the French word”flume” which essentially means “stream” or “flow.”
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Related words & word forms
Deamflumy (adj.) – desiring strongly to be near a natural waterfall.
Deamflumous (adj.) – relaxing in a dreamy or calming way, as if listening to a natural waterfall.
Hyompora (n.) – The sense of serene connectedness experienced while listening to the flowing of water.
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