Have you been looking for the best aesthetic words with deep meanings? 

Perhaps you’re a word nerd at heart, or you’re looking to spice up the way you express yourself.72 Best aesthetic words with deep meanings that you've never heard of

If any of these are true for you, then you’re going to love this list!

My name is Gregory Venvonis. I’m a word-inventing fiction author, aesthetics enthusiast and logophile at heart. 

I put together this list in my spare time because I also love finding new ways to communicate and express myself. Plus, I’m really into aesthetics culture!

With this in mind, you can be certain that I not only included deep words in this list, but also rare aesthetic words that you probably didn’t know existed!

Also, the words in this list are complete with their corresponding meanings, etymology, and pronunciation. You can see the full list by tapping the table of contents icon in the next section below.

This list of aesthetic words will surely give you a fresh way to explain your life and experiences!


Best Aesthetic words with their meanings and pronunciation

Since the late 2010s, there has been a rise in popularity for internet aesthetics and the emotions or moods they represent. In case you’re not exactly sure what this means, let me bring you into the loop!

What are aesthetic words?

Aesthetic words convey different emotions and what is visually pleasing. They tend to reflect a sense of nostalgia, beauty, melancholy, wistfulness, harmony, intrigue, surrealism, or a combination of two or more of these elements.

This list of words are especially great for aesthetic names and usernames, your creative projects, or simply as a better way to express who you are.



Definition: Quatervois (n.) – a critical decision, crossroads, or turning point in one’s life.

Pronunciation: /kah-tehr-vwa/

Word origin: French (four + voie)



Definition: Novalunosis (n.) – the state of relaxation and wonderment experienced while gazing upon the stars.

Pronunciation: /nova-looh-oh-sis/

Word origin: Vowlenu Lexicon



Definition: Gumusservi (n.) – the light of the moon as it shines upon the water.

Pronunciation: /gu-mu-sar-vee/

Word origin: Turkish



Definition: Cosmogyral (adj.) – whirling around the universe.

Pronunciation: /cos-mo-ji-rol/

Word origin: English



Definition: Vernorexia (n.) – a romantic mood inspired by warm weather and Springtime. 

Pronunciation: /vern-oh-rex-eyuh/

Word origin: English



Definition: Dépaysement (n.) – the feeling of being taken out of one’s familiar living environment and placed in a new one for the first time.

Pronunciation: /deh-pays-mwoh/

Word origin: French



Definition: Aspectabund (adj.) – easily letting expression show through the eyes and face.

Pronunciation: /asp-ect-ah-buhnd/

Word origin: Latin (aspectus)



Definition: Zephyr (n.) – a soft, gentle breeze.

Pronunciation: /zef-er/

Word origin: English



Definition: Eccedentesiast (n.) – one who hides pain behind their smile.

Pronunciation: /ex-en-den-tees-eyust/

Word origin: Latin (ecce)



Definition: Labyrinthine (adj.) – having complexity and intricacy; labyrinth-like.

Pronunciation: /lab-ir-in-thin/

Word origin: Greek (labyrinthos)



Definition: Verklempt (adj.) – overcome with emotions.

Pronunciation: /vur-klempt/

Word origin: Yiddish



Definition: Virtu (n.) – expertise in fine arts or aesthetics.

Pronunciation: /ver-too/

Word origin: French (Vertu)



Definition: Aesthetic (n.) – one who has a strong appreciation for art and beauty or aesthetics.

Pronunciation: /ehs-theet/

Word origin: English (aesthetics)



Definition: Coruscate (v.) – to sparkle or gleam.

Pronunciation: /coru-skayt/

Word origin: Latin (coruscare)



Definition: Diaphanous (adj.) – light; almost completely transparent or translucent.

Pronunciation: /dy-af-uhn-us/

Word origin: Greek (dia, phainein)



Definition: Petrichor (n.) – the pleasant smell from the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

Pronunciation: /petch-ry-kor/

Word origin: English (Petro-, ichor)



Definition: Waldeinsamkeit (n.) – the feeling of unique solitude while being alone in the woods.

Pronunciation: /vyd-eyn-sum-ky-it/

Word origin: German



Definition: Plaxondry (n.) – the mix of introspective nostalgia, sadness, and calmness felt when listening to vaporwave and its related genres.

Pronunciation: /plags-on-dree/

Word origin: Vowlenu Lexicon



Definition: Orenda (n.) – An extraordinary invisible energy that is inherent in all people and their environment.

Pronunciation: /or-en-da/

Word origin: Iroquis



Definition: Wistful (adv.) – Characterized by feelings of yearning or melancholic longing for something.

Pronunciation: /wist-ful/

Word origin: English



Definition: Euneirophrenia (n.) – The happy state of mind one has after a pleasant dream

Pronunciation: /yu-nyro-fren-eyuh/

Word origin: Ancient Greek [eu- (good), oneiro- (dream)]



Definition: Ethereal (adj.) – relating to the outer regions of space; heavenly.

Pronunciation: /eth-eer-eyul/

Word origin: English



Definition: Sempiternal (adj.) – of eternal or everlasting nature

Pronunciation: /sehmp-eht-urn-ahl/

Word origin: Latin (aeternus)



Definition: Chatoyancy (adj.) – reflecting light like that of a gemstone or cat’s eye.

Pronunciation: /sha-toy-an-see/

Word origin: French (chatoyer)



Definition: Aviothic (n.) – The strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.

Pronunciation: /ay-vee-oh-thik/

Word origin: Vowlenu Lexicon



Definition: Cosmic (adj.) – relating to outer-space and the universe.

Pronunciation: /caws-mick/

Word origin: Greek (kosmikos)



Definition: Cornucopia (n.) – an abundant amount of a good thing or feeling

Pronunciation: /cornu-cohp-eyuh/

Word origin: Latin (cornu copiae)



Definition: Ebullience (n.) – a state of high energy or enthusiasm.

Pronunciation: /eb-uhl-ee-yens/

Word origin: Latin (ebullire)



Definition: Benevolent (adj.) – kindly and well-meaning.

Pronunciation: /beh-nehv-oh-lent/

Word origin: Latin (bene, velle)



Definition: Alluring (adj.) – having a magical or mysterious ability to attract

Pronunciation: /ah-loor-ing/

Word origin: Old French (a-, luere)



Definition: Glamourous (adj.) – possessing intriguing and beautiful qualities

Pronunciation: /glam-er-us/

Word origin: Scots (Glamer)



Definition: Comely (adj.) – very pleasing to look at.

Pronunciation: /cuhm-lee/

Word origin: English



Definition: Seraphic (adj.) – having an angelic, pure, or sublime nature ; resembling a seraph.

Pronunciation: /sair-if-ick/

Word origin: Latin (seraphim)



Definition: Empyrean (adj.) – relating to the sky or heaven, especially the highest part.

Pronunciation: /em-per-eyun/

Word origin: Greek (empurlos)



Definition: Apricity (n.) – the warmth of the sun during Winter.

Pronunciation: /ap-riss-ity/

Word origin: Latin (apricus)



Definition: Fervor (n.) – an intense and passionate feeling.

Pronunciation: /fer-ver/

Word origin: Latin (fervere)



Definition: Idyllic  (n.) – (especially of a time or place) blissful, peaceful, and picturesque.

Pronunciation: /eye-dill-ick/

Word origin: Latin (idyllium)



Definition: Lithe (adj.) – (of words) sweet-sounding and pleasant to hear.

Pronunciation: /mel-if-you-luhs/

Word origin: Latin (mel, fluere)



Definition: Fleur (n.) – flower.

Pronunciation: /floo-er/

Word origin: French



Definition: Xystus (n.) – a long, open walkway that is lined with trees.

Pronunciation: /xy-stuhs/

Word origin: Greek

Alternative words: Xyst and Xystos are the lesser-known variations for Xystus.



Definition: Reverie (n.) – the state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts.

Pronunciation: /rehv-er-ee/

Word origin: French (Rever)



Definition: Ambrosial (n.) – especially pleasing to taste or smell; delicious or fragrant.

Pronunciation: /am-broh-shul/

Word origin: English



Definition: Eunoia (n.) – the sound mind and goodwill a speaker has towards their audience.

Pronunciation: /you-noy-uh/

Word origin: Greek



Definition: Irenic (adj.) – promoting peace, especially in a reasonable way.

Pronunciation: /eye-rehn-ick/

Word origin: Greek (eirēnikos)



Definition: Sublime (adj.) – causing wonder, great admiration, or astonishment.

Pronunciation: /suhb-lym/

Word origin: Latin (sublimis)



Definition: Philocaly (n.) – the love of beauty.

Pronunciation: /fe-loh-cali/

Word origin: Greek (ϕιλοκαλία)



Definition: Caeruleaphile (n.) – one who loves the colo blue.

Pronunciation: /carul-eo-fyl/

Word origin: English



Soft aesthetic words and their meanings

Soft aesthetics are all about ethereal vibes, strong femininity, and beautiful pastel visuals. Often times, there is also an emphasis on passion and romance. So, if you’ve been looking for aesthetic words about love, this is the list you need.

These soft aesthetic words are sure to inspire your soul, heart, and creative passions!



Definition: Amaranthine (adj.) – undying; everlasting.

Pronunciation: /amer-in-thyn/

Word origin: Greek (amarantos)



Definition: Roseate (adj.) – rose-colored; optimistic.

Pronunciation: /rohs-eyut/

Word origin: Latin (Roseus), English (-ate)



First Definition: Redolent (adj.) – strongly reminiscent; evocative.

Second Definition: Redolent (adj.) – exuberantly fragrant. 

Pronunciation: /rehd-oh-lent/

Word origin: Latin (red, olere)



Definition: Dalliance (n.) – a casual, yet playful conversation that may lead to romance.

Pronunciation: /dal-ee-yuns/

Word origin: English



First Definition: Redamancy (n.) – loving a person as much as they love you.

Pronunciation: /ree-dah-mehn-see/

Word origin: Latin (redamantia, redamō)



Definition: Balletic (adj.) – moving with grace or precision of movement.

Pronunciation: /bal-eht-ick/

Word origin: French (Ballette)



Definition: Eloquence (n.) – fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.

Pronunciation: /el-oh-qwens/

Word origin: Latin (Eloquentia)



Definition: Lithe (adj.) – (especially of a person’s body) thin, graceful, and flexible.

Pronunciation: /lyth/

Word origin: German (Lind)



Definition: Dainty (adj.) – delicately small and pretty.

Pronunciation: /dain-tee/

Word origin: Latin (Dignus)



Definition: Demure (adj.) – delicately small and pretty.

Pronunciation: /dem-yur/

Word origin: Latin (Dignus)



Definition: Beauteous (adj.) – beautiful; very attractive.

Pronunciation: /byu-tee-uhs/

Word origin: English



Definition: Pulchritudinous(adj.) – alluringly beautiful.

Pronunciation: /pahl-krih-to-din-uhs/

Word origin: Latin (Pulcher)



Definition: Languor (n.) – the feeling of pleasant tiredness or fatigue.

Pronunciation: /lang-er/

Word origin: Latin (Languere)



Definition: Lilt (n.) – the characteristic rising and descension of one’s voice when speaking.

Pronunciation: /lilt/

Word origin: English



Definition: Seatherny (n.) – The serenity one feels when listening to the chirping of birds.

Pronunciation: /seth-er-nee/

Word origin: Vowlenu Lexicon


Best Japanese Aesthetic words and their meanings

Japanese is a beautiful language backed by rich traditions and culture. It comes at no surprise that it provides a plethora of beautiful words to use for your expression(s).

Many of these words come from Japanese Aesthetics, a set of ancient Japanese ideals concerning beauty and what is in good taste.


Komorebi (木漏れ日)

Definition: Komorebi (n.) – Sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees; the interplay between light and leaves when sunlight shines through trees.

Pronunciation: /ko-mo-reh-bee/

Word origin: Japanese


Yūgen (幽玄)

Definition: Yūgen (n.) – The profound and mysterious feeling of beauty towards the universe.

Pronunciation: /you-gehn/

Word origin: Traditional Japanese aesthetics.

Note: Yūgen is one of the seven Zen aesthetic principles for achieving Wabi-Sabi or the mindful approach to everyday life.


Natsukashi (懐かしい)

Definition: Natsukashii (n.) – nostalgic; having sentimentality towards good memories.

Pronunciation: /naht-su-kah-shee/

Word origin: Japanese


Tsundoku (積ん読)

Definition: Tsundoku (n.) – the art of allowing books to pile up but never reading them.

Pronunciation: /tsun-doh-ku/

Word origin: Japanese


Furusato (ふるさと)

Definition: Furusato (n.) – the home or native place a person longs to return to.

Pronunciation: /foo-roo-sah-toe/

Word origin: Japanese


Shinrin-Yoku (森林浴)

Definition: Shinrin-Yoku (n.) – forest-bathing.

Pronunciation: /shin-rin-yoh-ku/

Word origin: Japanese


Ensō (円相)

Definition: Ensō (n.) – circle; the perfection, elegance, completion, togetherness and enlightenment pertaining to the universe and everything within.

Pronunciation: /ehn-so/

Word origin: Traditional Japanese Aesthetics


Ukiyo (浮世)

Definition: Ukiyo (n.) – living in the moment or in transcience, especially in an urban environment.

Pronunciation: /you-key-yo/

Word origin: Japanese


Boketto (ぼけっと)

Definition: Boketto (v.) – to gaze into the distance without a thought.

Pronunciation: /boh-keht-oh/

Word origin: Japanese


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