Meaning & Definition
Aviothic (n.) – The strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.
Example Sentence(s)
1. Taking an early lunch break at the outdoor employee rest area, Skye Visaygris was feeling aviothic as he watched a delivery droid fly across the cloudy San Francesca atmosphere. -From the Paranormal Romance novel, Paths of Parallels.
2. Where can we skydive next week? I’ve been feeling aviothic the last couple of weeks.
Etymology & Word Origin
Coined by fiction author Gregory Venvonis on the Vowlenu Lexicon, aviothic derives from the word “aviation.”
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Related words & Word forms
Aviothicy (adj.) – feeling inclined to be up in the air or to fly.
Aviothicly (adv.) – in a state of inclination towards being in the air or flying.
Meerithic (n.) – the strong desire to be in the water or to swim.
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