Do you love unique words with deep meanings? Have you felt powerful feelings but haven’t found a word to accurately capture them?20 Unique words with deep meanings that you've never heard of

Perhaps you’re a word nerd at heart, or you’re looking to spice up the way you express yourself.

If any of these are true for you, then you’re going to love this post!

My name is Gregory Venvonis. I’m a blogger, fiction author, and logophile at heart. 

I put together this post in my spare time because I also love finding new ways to communicate and express myself.

Ideally, this list of unusual and uncommon words, complete with their corresponding meanings and etymology, will also give you a fresh way to explain your life and experiences!


Unique words and their meanings



Definition: Novalunosis (n.) – The state of relaxation and wonderment experienced while gazing upon the stars.

Word origin: Vowlenu



Definition: Heliophilia (n.) – The desire to be in sunlight.

Word origin: English

Related words: Heliophile, heliophilic, and heliophilous.



Definition: Nefelibata (n.) – A day dreamer; writer who does not follow conventional standards.

Word origin: Portuguese & Spanish 



Definition: Elysian (adj.) – relating to divinity and peace

Word origin: Latin (Elysium)



Definition: Galaxomas (n.) – The passionate urge to live on a theoretical faraway planet that feels uniquely different from Earth, yet hospitable for oxygen-breathing, sentient life.

Word origin: Vowlenu



Definition: Voorpret (n.) – The feeling of anticipatory pleasure experienced before an actual fun event or party.

Word origin: Dutch



Definition: Ebullience (n.) – To be cheerful and full of energy.

Word origin: The latin word: ebullientem

Related words: Ebullient.



Definition: Komorebi (n.) – Sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees; the interplay between light and when leaves when sunlight shines through trees.

Word origin: Japanese



Definition: Yūgen (n.) – The profound and mysterious feeling of beauty towards the universe.

Word origin: Traditional Japanese aesthetics.

Note: Yūgen is one of the seven Zen aesthetic principles for achieving Wabi-Sabi or the mindful approach to everyday life.



Definition: Nunchi (n.) – The subtle art and ability to listen and gauge other people’s moods.

Word origin: Korean. The literal translation is “eye-measure.”

Note: This is similar to the idiomatic expression of “reading the room” in English.



Definition: Arbejdsglæde (n.) – The feeling of happiness at work; employee satisfaction.

Word origin: Danish



Definition: Psithruism (n.) – The sound of leaves rustling in the wind. 

Word origin: The Greek work psithuros.



Definition: Sturmfrei (adj.) – To have temporary freedom from housemates or parents.

Word origin: German. The literal translation is “storm-free.”



Definition: Razljubit (n.) – The feeling one has for someone once loved.

Word origin: Russian. The literal translation is “fall out of love.”



Definition: Blazemoche (n.) – The therapeutic tranquility one feels when listening to the crackling and burning of firewood.

Word origin: Vowlenu



Definition: Eleutheromania (n.) – An intense desire for freedom.

Word origin: Greek



Definition: Emacity (n.) – The fondness for buying things.

Word origin: Latin, from the word emacitas.



Definition: Novaturient (adj.) – desiring or seeking powerful change in one’s life, behavior or situation.

Word origin: Latin, from the word novāre.



Definition: Aviothic (n.) – The strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.

Word origin: Vowlenu


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